Sunday, September 04, 2005

Password Recovery

It's been a while since i updated this blog...what's it like...hmm.....4 months ??! damn....even forgot my password for blogging... so usual of me... to embark on a fad/trend(start a blog) and lose my interest after a few months..... just so me.....this brings me back to the time (2003) when i was "suddenly" into vinyls again....went out to buy my vinyl cleaner which cost me 450; got my turntable cleaned and all, started searching for records and now... what happend ? hahahaha.....even the shop that sold me the cleaner has folded.... hahaha... and i have got records purchased which have not even had the opportunity for foreplay... what a shame.. how can i find the time to explore them... touch them intimately... seek the pleasure i so deprive...

so what's been happening? a nutshell....shitloads and tons have happened in this short 4 months span...

1) experienced mutiny at work
2) engaged in child's play at home
3) read some daVinci codes
4) suffered emotional work duress
5) endured repression of innate characteristics
6) got a well deserved pay increment

it wasn't all that bad but just that i had to deal with an abnormal congregation of idiotic life events that happens to some people at one time or another.. life is somethimes made more interesting and eventful in this way... stronger and wiser i came out of this greyhole... that's just how life is...crappy events will hit you from time to time, you just need to try to learn from the experience and avoid them again in future but of course it is easier said then done... that's where the gods derive their pleasure from i think... seeing how a person acts out the scenes according to their scripts...

"I wish I got my strength from the sun" how aptly crafted by leslie (the obs)..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:31 AM  
Blogger The Rational Neurotic said...

How well you have quoted "suffered emotional work duress" and "endured repression of innatae characteristics"...

How about "met old friends and had a great time" and "old friend released own CD"

and the best of all you didn't put that down
"Got released from a shithole who quit ms"


11:34 AM  
Blogger The Rational Neurotic said...

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11:34 AM  

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